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Rethinking Communication: Using Storytelling for Better Engagement
Storytelling in business is an integral part of communication and organisations must be able to see its importance in connecting with its...

Engaging your people in the post pandemic workplace
Are you prepared for a post pandemic workplace? Organisations are slowly moving into, if not already operating in post pandemic...

How Important is Psychological Safety In Our New Normal?
Living in these times of disruption, uncertainty and insecurity, for many of us, makes it almost impossible to feel safe and have a sense...

Post Covid-19 and the increased International competition it brings
With the advent of technology, the world of work was already beginning to change. As corporations seek to retain talent, there has been a...

Best Ways to Retain Your Employees In A Pandemic
In light of physical offices preparing to re-open in Singapore and around the globe, for the first time ever in corporate history, the...

Corporate Wellness: An Essential For Your Employees?
In our previous article Boosting the well-being of your Employees during Covid-19, we touched on how this pandemic has been causing...

Boosting the Well-Being of Your Employees During Covid-19
Employee wellness and mental well-being has been gaining traction in the modern workplace in recent years. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic...

Stressing Over How to Lead a Socially Distanced Team?
The ongoing Coronavirus outbreak has certainly thrown a spanner in the works where businesses are concerned. As the world goes into lock...

Survival: Leading with Mindfulness and Creativity
As flights and airports the world over are shut down in a bid to stem the global COVID-19 pandemic, airlines are having to lay staff off...

How To Cultivate the Right Image For Your Business During a Pandemic?
If there was any time to show exceptional leadership in your business, that time is NOW. This is the first time in living memory of a...

Consistency Is Key: Building Corporate Culture Across Offices
In most organisations and businesses, the leadership team would have come up with a set of core values and purposes. However, as a...

Is Your To-Do-List A Creativity Killer?
Businesses are ultimately profit driven and a tangible measure of profitability is productivity and results. However, in the quest for...

Inclusion Starts With “How Are You?”
While simply saying hello can sound easy enough, we may have completely underestimated the amazing power it can have to foster ownership...

Uncharted Waters: Leading Change Meaningfully
Every time there is a shift at the helm or a new leader comes on board to implement change, the business can expect some cultural...

Outbreak! Virus-Proof Your Business
As the world scrambles to fight against the COVID-19 virus, many businesses have reported a breakdown in continuity and significant...

Bridging the Generational Divide in the Workplace
As one's career progresses, it becomes more possible for you to interact with multi-generational cultures and co-workers. It could even...

Winning a Pitch with Heart
Have you ever given your heart and soul to a pitch, thinking you have done well only to be told that you have not been selected? Have you...

Performance Appraisals: Are they helping or ruining your productivity?
We are all familiar with the traditional year end or mid year performance reviews and appraisals. While these are designed to ensure that...

Real Growth Requires Reciprocity
Corporations often formulate their policies and objectives based on revenue growth and expansion. In so doing, they take into account...

Understanding Diversity in Leadership
Diversity is fast becoming a common turn of phrase – a word that most people loosely recognise but few truly understand. It is easy to...
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